Dedicated to our community, quality construction & affordable housing

Welcome to San Juan County Home Builders Association

Learn more about what we do

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What Can San Juan County
Home Builders Association
Do For You?
Looking for a reputable builder, licensed plumber, electrician or quality landscaper? We can help! Our members are some of the best local pro's San Juan County has to offer! Whether you're looking to do a new build, remodel, or in need of a qualified licensed skill tradesman, we can point you in the right direction.

gray concrete building under blue sky during daytime

The Benefits of Joining
San Juan County HBA

We’re a professional organization of builders, developers, remodelers, realtors, related retailers, and service based businesses who aspire to be on the leading edge of their industry through networking, education and industry advocacy. We promote professionalism, educational opportunities, economic growth and community development. You may join under the following membership options: Builder, Contractor, or Associate

When you join the San Juan County Home Builders Association, you also gain membership to New Mexico Home Builders Association and National Association of Home Builders.
This 3 in 1 Membership offers a strong foundation of support to both builder, associate and affiliate members.

Members receive full access to a complete library of educational resources and seminars (both in person and virtual) through NAHB on a wide variety of industry related topics. Educating your cr
ew to safety and building practices, new innovative building techniques are of tremendous benefit.

Membership benefits has its perks! Our Members save thousands of dollars with deep discounts from industry retailers, office suppliers, vehicles, travel, lodging, entertainment and events - including IBS (International Builders Show) in addition to end of year rebates!

Building and construction are challenging and ever changing fields. Membership lets you stay on tap of the latest innovations, market trends and building codes. Utilizing NAHB’s resource and educational opportunities allows you to build a better product, a better business, greater client satisfaction and stronger employee relationships.

Meet our Board Officers

Our Board Members are local industry professionals who meet once a month
to oversee HBA business matters.
If you're looking for a way to serve your community in a positive way,
joining our Board of Directors is a great way to contribute.
Contact River for more information. 

President 2024
Javier Holguin

Javier Construction

Vice President
David Valencia

Valencia Insulation

Aprille Diaz

Senior Graphic Designer,
Ram Signs

Executive Officer
River Dees

Past President 21-24
Holly Whitehorn

Equity Builders Construction


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